
Showing posts from March, 2020 :4 Youtube Channels for 100% Selection in Bihar SI, Bihar Daroga Important Online Sources

Bihar SI Mains Bihar SI is highly demaded job among youth. It gives you Power, prestige and chance to serve your soil. As per 2019 vacancy of Bihar SI there are apprx. 2400 seats. The commission conducted first stage examination on 22nd of December 2019 and on the basic of it, apprx. 50k candidates are selected for Mains. According to Trend of Bihar SI, 6 times of the vacany, Caandidates would qualify for Physical Test and the Merit for Bihar Daroga is also prepared using the Score of Mains Examination. So, it should be kept in mind the competition is tight, Resourses are unlimited but we need to study smartly. Straight and forward, In this blog i'm going to share 4 Youtube channels  which can enhance your knowledge so you can easy qualify the Bihar SI Mains Exam. GS Master This channel helps you to build time table, The channel provides you daily Topic so you can cover every important point necessary for exam efficiently. Manjeet Magic Mathematics This ch... How to end Corona( COVID19)

Corona is a fatal virus spreading from person to person via sneezing, coughing or physical touch. Whole world is locked down, economy vis-a-vis social life is suffering a lot. In this crucial time we are going to share some methods, Using it we can tackel this problem Isolation  is the best way to way, as precaution is better than cure. Distancing from crowd is the best way to break the chain. Frequently  washing hand and maintaining proper hygien could avoid not only corona but many infectious diseases too. Fitness  is key of immunity, if you are healthy and fit, your chances of survival is quit high. Attitude and Mindset controls the mechanism of your body, if you think you are going to climp the wall, you definately will. Think positive and be calm. Unless you are not inviting corona to your home by going out, it isn't going to come by itself. They don't have your address and remember you aren't his crush. Early Checkup; First stage corona virus is cur...